AgriScience Labs is excited to be able to provide our full testing services for the hemp industry.

Available tests

We can provide all of our tests on hemp samples, and multiple tests can be performed on the same sample. Please visit our testing page for more information on the services that we provide. For sample size, pricing, and turn-around time, please call or email for more information.

Metrc access required

Please note that as a state-certified lab, we can only accept samples sent to us through Metrc at this time. There are two ways that you can get hemp tags attached to the samples you send us:

1. If you registered with the CDA, you may go through Metrc to order a set of your own tags (read more here).

2. You may join a hemp co-op to use their tags. Most of our partners use either Result Group Colorado or Grow Hemp Colorado.

Mailing samples

We now accept mailed hemp! For more information, please see our post about mailing hemp through The USPS.

Unlabelled edibles and topicals

If you are submitting edibles or topicals without labelling, you may wish to fill out a Hemp Infused Product Form. This form captures information about your particular products so that we can provide you the information that you need.

Hemp Flower FAQ

There are several questions that new customers ask about what is needed to test hemp in our facilities. If you have additional questions, or would like more information, please contact us via email or phone. We are happy to help!

From what part of the plant do I take samples?

The goal is to have test results that represent your product, so you’ll want to get a sample made up of material from the top, middle, and bottom of the plant in one sample.

What type of plant material should I submit for testing?

You’ll want to send in the parts of the plant that you’ll be selling.

Do I need to submit my samples dried?

The state advises that you use the same drying method that you will use for your final product.

In what type of container do I submit samples?

We prefer samples in Ziploc bags.

Can I submit more than one sample for testing?

Yes. If you have the same strain growing in multiple lots, you may want to test a sample from each lot to see if there are variations occurring. If you grow multiple strains, each strain should have at least one sample. If you grow the same strain under varying conditions or with varying controls, you may want a sample of each variation.