We understand how important it is to have speedy test results in this industry, especially at a rate that fits into your testing budget, so AgriScience Labs is introducing even LOWER RUSH PRICES!



  • Next Day Rush prices are now $25 across the board, when they were previously equal to the test cost.
  • Same Day Rush prices are now $50 across the board, when they were previously double the test cost.

Don’t forget that you can run these respective tests for an even better deal, depending on your monthly test volume. Please reach out to see if you qualify.


When do these changes go into effect?

For our current testing partners, you’ll see this price change on all projects that arrive at our laboratory starting tomorrow (Wednesday, August 28, 2019).

For those who do not currently test at AgriScience Labs, this is the perfect opportunity to see for yourself why we are known for having the quickest turn-around times, as well as remaining the state leaders in both science and service. For more information, call our team at 303-292-3800, or simply sign up here.